When you see us on stage, it can be like a symphony. All these moving parts that each individual doing his/her part can be a wonderful sound by itself; however, the sum of all the individuals is greater than its parts.
The music actually heals us and binds us together. When we experience a "good" gig, I look at each person with such admiration and thankfulness. I feel alive and well. All my sore joints and aging body feel invigorated and youthful. It's truly better than hydrocodone.
There's a weird balance that takes place with musicians on a stage. You have to have enough ego to be in front of people and enough humility to not consume it to a level of foolishness. We must look at each other and share the experience rather than consume if individually. It is much like the athlete after scoring many points credits his team's defence and/or other players and coaching. As you listen, you might wonder, does he really mean that?
I will tell you for our band, I can say that it is so. Here's my observation of my fellow participants in this thing we call a band.
Silverio, he plays bass. He plays it very well. There's so much more to him than this bass he plays. He is the consummate professional. I covet the consistency of which he shows up in a timely manner having practiced and ready for any song requested. The flexibility he demonstrates for all the bizarre things that can be requested and even though he has enough experience to DEMAND a change, he humbly nods his head at an inferior request. Oh and yes, let me say it again, he can play the bass with a flexibility to go from "I fall to pieces" with a simple, efficient, and accurate country bass line, to funkin it up with dance music providing a groove that pulls them out of their seats.
Tony, our other bass player with whom he shares the rotation with Silverio is a dynamic bass player. Tony is theory in motion. As he plays, he'll close his eyes in order to provide a groove. You can see his heart on his fingers as he plays. His passion is jazz. When Tony plays, it is a treat to hear the variations and alternate options that he provides. Oh, and as a person, he is a doting father having recently been blessed with his daughter thereby completing the full set of two, one boy and one girl. He has a sense of humor that lightens the tension that ... I can cause. He is a refreshing human being.
Greg, our drummer is an interesting drummer. He plays them drums with hands riddled with pain. If you're ever at a gig, take a look at his left hand, it's perpetually swollen. He is probably most suited to "feel" country music and yet loves to play dance music. With the age bracket he's in, he really is a classic rock qualified to play any piece. He is one of the most reasonable people I've known and is a great confidant to have in considering gigs and issues that arise. He's always calm, and a great father, husband, and person.
Fernando, our keyboard player is much like Silverio. If a gig starts at 9:00 pm, Fernando will have his gear on the stage ready to go at 6:00 pm. If you watch him play, it is a sight to see. Up from his soul rises a sound and it must emanate and release. He chose to have 10 fingers from which this energy to be distributed. But, it doesn't stop there. His heart burns so much to communicate the sound that if you watch his face, it's like a map of his heart. He may feel a song in a way where he handles the keys like handling a newborn baby, soft and reflective and then another time, he rips through the keys like a rushing river, and the beauty is he knows exactly when to do each one! He has a sense of humor that also helps to alleviate the tension that ... I can cause. Fernando is a person that I think the more you know of him, the more you appreciate.
Robert, our guitar player... well, where do I begin. I guess with the word anchor. The purpose of an anchor is to keep things steady where there's a lot of uncertainty and movement. This is Robert. As a guitar player, I've never known anyone as knowledgeable of the guitar equipment, amplifiers, and sound systems. Oh, and did I mention tone? He is a master of guitar tone. There isn't a single gig that goes by that I don't curse him. I curse him because I, although I've gotten much better through his instruction, still don't get the tone he does. Of course, I'm only serious... This guy shows up to the gigs (with Greg), faithfully 2 hours before downbeat to drag in about a ton of equipment. Sets it up and bears sole responsibility that it works, and maintains it through the night. What would we do without Robert???
Sabrina, the muse. Last night, I watched the rafters loose material when she was holding a note. And, btw, she is spot on for pitch. I have seen other "singers" or "vocalists" attempt to sing songs and although I can't personally sing well, I do have an ear and I can tell you, she sings in tune on some of the hardest stuff that there is to do. It actually comes easy to her. Her spirit is one of giving. Sabrina reminds me of a friend I lost to cancer in 1996. This person, named Cory made you feel like you're #1. At her funeral, there were hundreds of people and each walked as if THEY were her closest friend. I think Sabrina has that quality where when she's with you, she makes you feel special, and it's because she's genuine, it is not an act or trite.
Let me take a moment to mention our deepest friends, our significant others. They're importance provides the foundation and environment from which we thrive. We have Norma, Stella, Carrie, Diana, Mikey, Amy, and Alicia. These have taken on a role to do everything from bringing missing equipment, to offering a hot cup of tea to sooth an ailing throat. A smile when the venue is empty or a hand clap when it didn't go well. A conversation when silence is uncomfortable, and really the basic human need, companionship. These friends of ours are the fiber of our existence.
Some in this band, I've known for 5 years, some I've known much longer. It is actually becoming like a family. See, I think God designed family in a way where you get some personalities from siblings, cousins, parents that don't exactly "fit" with your liking; however, you're STUCK with them. There are times that as each plays his/her role within their personality that it fits wonderfully, each perfectly trusting, balancing, giving and receiving from one another than makes a unit whole. But, there are times when it can be dark.... for some very dark. Yes, we all have strengths and weaknesses. What will you do with your frustrations with the other? You can focus on the thing that is different and not appealing OR you can choose to love. For me and mine, I, as much as possible will choose to love my friends, these people with whom I share the glorious gift of music. May we grow to the fullest potential of who we are.