Saturday, March 30, 2013


Ch Ch changes....

I want to say that I'm pushing as hard as possible to complete my new year's goals for 2013.  Yeah, remember when that was so hot in the first week of January?  I've lost 7 of the 10 lbs, and I've produced an original and performed it.  It's an original born of one of the greatest pains in my life.  Lord willing, I'll record it and offer it on the website soon and will greatly appreciate your support in purchasing a copy of the song.  I truly say, it's not about the money, it's really about wanting to test my theory of what I call the pied piper affect.  I believe that songs become popular for various reasons.  Perhaps the message, the melody, the presentation, the fame of an artist, the fact that its shoved down your throat with big buck distribution.  But for something to last, it has to have that something special contained within it.  The formula is unknown, for if it could scientifically be produced, the Paul McCartney would still be producing hits.  When it happens, there's no doubt that its happening, much like in today's experience of viral explosions.  Some think to simply do something repulsive and that it'll explode, not necessarily the formula.  And so, I eagerly look forward to recording, as a starting point, this first one, for regardless of the critiques I may receive, the song IS mine.  It is my reflection, and it is my experience.  Will the pied piper lure you into listening?  Will he cause you to tell your family, friends, work associates?  Businesses try to produce the sharing element and there are many who specialize in exposure and attempting to leverage the implosion and capabilities that are before us.  My hope is that there's a juncture between the attempt at telling a story through my craft and that it touches hearts.  Presently, I'm not ready to tell the in depth story that underlies the song.  When I do, you'll understand, for I'm not a secretive kind of person.  Those who know me know that my heart is on my sleeve.

To continue the discussion on the subject of change, I'm constantly at the Mavs stadium and regularly meeting and speaking with the Vice President of Marketing there.  I have an opportunity to get some rock originals played there and Rick and I have been working on that product.  Just last night, we had a monster jam session and came up with a plethora of ideas.  I'd like to digress and speak about my friend Rick Stevens, a.k.a. "superflex".  When he works with me on original material, it's like he's a missing voice in my head who completes the missing ingredients as I write.  He'll either come up with the lyric, or the melody, or the tempo, or the beat, but always a missing piece to make it come alive.  I'm a fairly decent guitar player and can fairly well copy other artists.  Creating originals that may one day be copied is a special craft.  It's an area that is new and fresh.  When you continue to age in this life, new and fresh is very welcome.

Finally, the band is learning new material.  We have learned quite a few new tunes and there's more coming.  Some contemporary and presently an emphasis in some 90's rock.  More on that as the songs are carefully selected and learned at a later time.

In closing, to those who read this, PLEASE follow, and provide comments.  I think what makes me personally different as a musician in a band is that I truly try to get to know the people with whom I interact.  There are many of you who know that.  I don't know who reads unless you follow or comment, so, please do if you can.  Three quarters left to accomplish the ch ch changes.  I hope things are well with you.  I look forward to seeing or hearing from each one of you.